Jan Bach
20th Century Composer
Welcome to his official website.

"[O]nly the highest level of player can seem in command of the pieces. Everyone else can only try hard."
- Barry Kilpatrick, American Record Guide
Jan Bach.
Midwest born and bred.
Compositions full of humor, angst and fire, written for all ages and nearly every instrument.
A Note from the Estate of Jan Bach
Jan Bach first started writing music at the age of 5 and received his first composition award from BMI at the age of 19. He continued composing until he died at the age of 82.
He was a prolific composer; six of his works were nominated for a Pulitzer Prize. His rhythms, melodic placement, use of fugues and especially his fondness of writing for the underdog performer (viola, tuba, bassoon, harp, steelpan, euphonium, to name a few), made Bach a key contributor to 20th Century Post-Modern Composition.
He lived life with a “glint” in his eye. Trust us when we say he injected his childlike humor into almost every one of his compositions. The jokes and puns are more overt in his later works, but you’ll always find a little musical joke in his writing. (For instance, Laudes was named for the “Loud A’s” played by the trumpet.)
Although he wrote for all ages and abilities - from children on up to the most technically skilled performers on earth - he had the unique perspective of knowing (and pushing) the limits of especially the brass and woodwind player. If you are a good player, you have heard of Jan Bach’s music. If you’re an excellent player, you may have attempted to play it.
He wrote operas, choral works, music for brass ensemble, violin, viola, flute, trumpet, horn, euphonium, tuba, piano, harp, steelpan and zither, just to name a few. The catalogue owned and managed by his Estate includes music for nearly every ensemble - trios, quartets, quintets, chamber orchestras and soloists.
His music has been and continues to be performed and recorded worldwide. If you or your organization are interested in purchasing the rights to perform or record one of his works, please contact us at The Estate of Jan Bach.